Coco Needs a Nap

This is Coco, the Raccoon.

Coco has three little ones that are cute as buttons.

Full of mischief, two kits chase each other up and down a Maple branch.

The littlest kit climbs the Fig tree for easy pickings.

Coco does her best impression of a fence-post-cap and keeps a watchful eye on the kits from her uneasy perch.

Most creatures are trying to rest in the middle of the afternoon. Gillu, the Grey Squirrel was sleeping in the Maple tree but the noisy games of the rambunctious kits wakes him up.

Gillu then tries to get some shut eye high up on a Sequoia tree.

Closer to the ground, Timur is dozing in a meadow of buttercups.

Dasher, the Deer, is snoozing in the shadiest section of the yard.

In the middle of the day, even the Donkey-girls, Daisy and Chloe, take a siesta in their corral.

Tired Coco tries to put her feet up, all four of them, next to the birdbath in the yard.

But our naughty kits have now found some leftover birdseed on a table nearby.

Coco tries to escape from the frolicsome kits up the tallest Fir tree in the yard. The little ones race ahead of her, but cannot get too far up the tree.

Coco had had enough of their impishness for the day. She marches all three kits to their den hidden in the woods.

Coco returns alone to the yard. She climbs the tallest Fir tree and finally gets a well deserved nap.

Words: Meenal S.

Pictures: Sanjiv Shrivastava.

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